Sunday, 17 October 2010

Postcard Project Sofia Moseley

I received an email from Sophia Moseley which said:
"I'm working on a project exploring the postal system, surrounding mail, art and traditional means of communication". And if she sent me a blank card would I "Draw her a Picture". Sounds pretty good!
I received that postcard this week and yesterday I sat down in the garden and painted. It's now in the hands of the postal system.
I look forward to seeing what Sophia does next with all the postcards?.. Has anyone else participated in this project?

Here is my postcard!


  1. Lovely picture!! Does sophie also have a blog. It would be interesting to see what she does and what others she has received.

  2. Hi Sam, I've also created a postcard for Sophia. You can see it here: Your surf style art is pretty awewsome, love seeing those wave curls!


  3. hello, i only just found out you posted your postcard for me on here, one of my favourites!


Thanks for visiting me!