Sunday, 24 November 2013

Primitive vintage cats, Reindeer's and mice

More Primitive cats are now available, 
These are scented in Nutmeg and Cinnamon

Please message me if you would like to purchase one via paypal
£10.50 +pp

I also have more Reindeer's now available !

£10.50 +pp

Scented mice

Scented in Cinnamon and clove,

£7.50 +pp

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Vintage textile cats and Reindeers

So Sorry, I have been neglecting my blog as I have been so busy, having to rest today as have had a cortisone injection in my wrist, so I thought it's a good time to catch up on my Blog !

I have been busy making cats, these are available in Black, brown, ginger and mottled I cant finish them off to show them all yet, but Sooty is finished:)

I have also been making primitive reindeers

Contact me if you are interested in purchasing, my order book is nearly full so get in quick if you want one :)